Hi Ross,

On 03/09/2015 09:58 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:

On 9 March 2015 at 19:56, Nikolay Dimitrov <picmas...@mail.bg
<mailto:picmas...@mail.bg>> wrote:

    bitbake myproduct-combined-image

    ...which should create 2 separate images.

If typing both is too much bother, have a recipe that just has
DEPENDS=myproduct-image myproduct-initramfs-image and stub out all the
other tasks so it doesn't do anything.

Thanks for the idea, I'll try the add the image as a dependency.


PS: It's not just a matter of typing. Other people need to use the
results of my work, and there are already lots of other manual steps
when a software needs to be built and deployed on the target, so adding
one more step doesn't improve our lives.
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