On 2/25/15, 2:52 AM, "Robert P. J. Day" <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> wrote:

>  been a while since i went through this manual so some probably
>simple observations -- based on in-progress manual. if scott rifenbark
>wants to process any of this, he has my blessing.

Thanks for your review of the document Robert. For future comments, please
do include the author on Cc.


>  section 2.3.2: hang on ...
>   "Complete a build at least through the kernel configuration task as
>     $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configme -f"
>but i thought that "-c <command>" would run *only* that bitbake task
>... the wording suggests that that command will run everything *up to*
>that task.

It will run everything necessary up to and including that task. If
everything, including that task, have already been run, it will run only
the specified task again.

You can verify this with:

1 $ bitbake virtual/kernel
2 $ bitbake virtual/kernel -c kernel_configme -f
3 $ bitbake virtual/kernel -c cleansstate
4 $ bitbake virtual/kernel -c kernel_configme -f

#2 will only run kernel_configme
#4 will run everything after fetch up to and including kernel_configme.
This usage helps us keep the documentation concise rather than having to
spell out how to get to a specific state in order for the command used to
work correctly.

>  also in that section, "are not't" should just say "aren't" in sample
>warning output.

This output should be updated for 1.8 as config warnings are now sent to
the console and not just buried in the logs. Yay!

Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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