So I fixed the two obvious issues here.  I am working on getting clarification 
on the command -c item.  


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert P. J. Day []
>Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:52 AM
>To: Yocto discussion list
>Cc: Rifenbark, Scott M
>Subject: more observations on kernel dev manual
>  been a while since i went through this manual so some probably simple
>observations -- based on in-progress manual. if scott rifenbark wants to
>process any of this, he has my blessing.
>  section 2.2.2: i'm assuming that list of SRC_URIs should actually read?
>   ... first-change...
>   ... second-change ...
>   ... third-change ...

Holy Mackerel... how did this go unnoticed for so long.  Fixed.

>  section 2.2.3: should that note not refer to the "defconfig" file and not the
>".config" file? as in, the defconfig file is used as the
>*basis* for the eventual .config file, no? so the note should be discussing
>applying the changes from the "defconfig" file, should it not?
>  section 2.3.2: hang on ...
>   "Complete a build at least through the kernel configuration task as follows:
>     $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configme -f"
>but i thought that "-c <command>" would run *only* that bitbake task ... the
>wording suggests that that command will run everything *up to* that task.

I am double checking on the behavior of this.  

>  also in that section, "are not't" should just say "aren't" in sample warning

I fixed this in the manual.  I grepped for that particular string in both poky 
and bitbake repos and came up empty.  So I am not sure where exactly (if even) 
that string appears in the actual source repo.

>  section 2.3.3: again, first para suggests that that command should process 
> the
>kernel all the way "through" the kernel configuration.

Again, waiting on some clarification on this issue.

>  that's it for chapter 2 ... more later.
>Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
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