Okay,  here’s the answer for me.  It should never have been core-image-minimal. 
 I just view that as not core-image-sato, meaning no gui.

If you take standard dizzy and change machine to nuc, then bitbake 
core-image-base, you get all the wifi, wpa-supplicant that you need.

So the trivial answer was that core-image-base is the console, CLI version I 
needed to start with all along.

Thanks for all the help.

Jim A

> On Jan 26, 2015, at 6:22 PM, Paul Eggleton <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> 
> wrote:
> On Monday 26 January 2015 16:37:37 Jim Abernathy wrote:
>>> From: thomas.moo...@atk.com
>>> To: jfaberna...@outlook.com
>>> CC: opensou...@keylevel.com; yocto@yoctoproject.org; g...@mlbassoc.com
>>> Subject: RE: [yocto] adding all the pieces of WiFi to core-image-minimal
>>> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:04:54 +0000
>>> For now, I'd just get everything working with the local.conf:
>>> DISTRO_FEATURES += "wifi"
>>> bitbake core-image-base
>>> Ultimately, you may want to make a custom machine and distro config and
>>> incorporate all of the things you've specified in local.conf in those
>>> configs. For example, I have a system that's an intel-based single-board
>>> computer with several expansion cards. I've created a machine
>>> configuration to define the basic hardware components (features, drivers,
>>> etc). I've also created a custom distro because we prefer system over
>>> systemv and to include some other non-machine specific packages. Finally,
>>> I've created a custom image that includes some other extras.
>>> The power of local.conf is nice, but it's a little tricky transitioning
>>> from that to more of a BSP approach like I described above because most
>>> people just say to add it to your local.conf, but that's not really how
>>> it should be done at the end. Think global variables vs classes.
>>> P.S. Never edit anything in the poky folder. If you want to modify an
>>> existing recipe, create a new layer with a bbappend and modify away.
>>> Thomas
>> I tried just adding DISTRO_FEATURES += "wifi" to the local.conf and
>> bitbaking core-image-base, but I got a lot of errors:
>> NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
>> ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'glibc'
>> ERROR: glibc was skipped: missing required distro feature 'ipv4' (not in
>> DISTRO_FEATURES) ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-base' has no
>> buildable providers. Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was:
> You're getting this error because you're actually replacing the value with 
> "wifi" not adding it, because the default value is actually set *after* 
> local.conf is parsed using ?=, so having set a value in local.conf, it's 
> already set and thus ?= has no effect. Then we get to parsing the glibc 
> recipe 
> and that immediately fails because it states that all features in 
> DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC are required, and you've removed those. (As a side note 
> I 
> really dislike how this latter bit has been implemented, but at least it 
> breaks early rather than what used to happen where it would get up to 
> compiling glibc and then fail). The correct way to add to DISTRO_FEATURES in 
> local.conf would be to use DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " ..." (and don't forget 
> the leading space in the value).
> However, that said, I'd guess that if your configuration is the default poky 
> or 
> reasonably close to it, DISTRO_FEATURES already contains "wifi", so there 
> shouldn't even be a need to add it; particularly as you've already suggested 
> wifi was working with core-image-sato.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul Eggleton
> Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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