For now, I'd just get everything working with the local.conf:


bitbake core-image-base

Ultimately, you may want to make a custom machine and distro config and 
incorporate all of the things you've specified in local.conf in those configs. 
For example, I have a system that's an intel-based single-board computer with 
several expansion cards. I've created a machine configuration to define the 
basic hardware components (features, drivers, etc). I've also created a custom 
distro because we prefer system over systemv and to include some other 
non-machine specific packages. Finally, I've created a custom image that 
includes some other extras.

The power of local.conf is nice, but it's a little tricky transitioning from 
that to more of a BSP approach like I described above because most people just 
say to add it to your local.conf, but that's not really how it should be done 
at the end. Think global variables vs classes.

P.S. Never edit anything in the poky folder. If you want to modify an existing 
recipe, create a new layer with a bbappend and modify away.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Abernathy [] 
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 2:53 PM
To: Moore, Thomas (FtWorth)
Cc: Chris Tapp;; Gary Thomas
Subject: Re: [yocto] adding all the pieces of WiFi to core-image-minimal

> On Jan 26, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Moore, Thomas (FtWorth) <> 
> wrote:
> Try building core-image-base or adding packagegroup-base-extended to your 
> IMAGE_INSTALL. This should add the modules and firmware.
> core-image-minimal is just that and only includes just enough to boot the 
> system.
> P.S. if you add "wifi" to your DISTRO_FEATURES, then packagegroup-base-wifi 
> should automatically get added to the image. Checkout 
> meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/ to see how that works.
> Thomas

Interesting!  are we talking about doing this in the local.conf? or are we 
talking about modifying existing recipes?  I'd like to do this cleanly and not 
mess up what's in the default files.  Maybe create my own layer??

Jim A

> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Tapp
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 2:28 PM
> To: James Abernathy
> Cc:; Gary Thomas
> Subject: Re: [yocto] adding all the pieces of WiFi to 
> core-image-minimal
> On 26 Jan 2015, at 19:31, James Abernathy <> wrote:
> I get a clean build when I add: CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " 
> packagegroup-base-wifi"
> However, I have no wireless drivers.  I must have to add something to add the 
> drivers and firmware to the kernel.  Not sure what though.
> I'm not an expert here, but I think that adding kernel-modules and 
> linux-firmware to your extra_install should give you what you need.
> Jim A
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:09 AM, James Abernathy <> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Gary Thomas <> wrote:
> On 2015-01-26 08:26, James Abernathy wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 8:49 AM, Gary Thomas < 
> <>> wrote:
> On 2015-01-26 06:29, James Abernathy wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Gary Thomas < 
> <>> wrote:
> On 2015-01-23 10:24, Jim Abernathy wrote:
> I'm starting a project mostly for self-education.  I have already done 
> the project using Ubuntu Server 14.04 using a Intel NUC and a Pandaboard as 
> targets.  Now I want to see how easy it is to move it to Yocto.
> Starting with the NUC, I can boot Dizzy 1.7.1 core-image-minimal and 
> core-image-sato, both built with bitbake and not the prebuilt images. 
> However, core-image-minimal doesn't have WiFi and core-image-sato does, but I 
> don't need all the GUI stuff.  It's a headless application.
> So what is recommended; eliminating the GUI from sato or adding wifi 
> and wpa-supplicant, etc to minimal??  Also any pointers to how to do the 
> adding/subtracting would be most helpful.
> Once this is working all I have to do is put apache-tomcat, and 
> openjdk-7-jre, then my application.
> We use just iw & wpa-supplicant and set up the configuration files 
> manually (e.g. the wpa-supplicant configurations).
> Could you help with a little more details.  What I envision is adding 
> an append statement of some kind to local.conf to load in the wireless 
> related files to core-image-minimal, same with openjdk-7-jre and tomcat7, but 
> my first efforts have generated some unintelligible error for me.  So that's 
> why I'm looking for direction on where to start with this.
> What was the error you got?  I'll bet it was for 'iw' which is a 
> package from meta-oe, so you'll need to add that layer
> Once you've added the meta-oe layer, you should be able to put this 
> line in your local.conf:
> CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " iw wpa-supplicant"
> Okay, what I don't get is the fact that without any additional layers, 
> bitbake core-image-sato builds all the WiFi features I need.  bitbake 
> core-image-minimal does not.  So I'm thinking that there is some 
> CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL statement that can just add what is needed without 
> extra layers.
> I guess it just doesn't make sense to me right now.
> Try using
> CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " packagegroup-base-wifi"
> which will bring in 'wireless-tools' and 'wpa-supplicant'.
> I prefer 'iw' to 'wireless-tools' as it is newer and [IMO] simpler to 
> use.
> Thanks, I found that I can clean build with just the wpa-supplicant added and 
> I'm hoping that will bring in the wifi drivers.  If it does, all I want to do 
> is edit the /etc/interfaces file with the Static IP of the wlan0, the static 
> IP of the eth0 and the wpa-xxx for the WKPA2_PSK information.  
> Do I really need the tools?  I don't need CLI commands to change any network 
> parameters later.
> Jim A
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
> MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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