>It is great to see so much interest in Hob: for a while we thought nobody
>was using it!

I do see the potential for toaster as wel (Forgot to mention it). Yes
I do see in the near future Hob being phased out in later releases.
But for what it is right now, there are people using it, I really
think it's a great idea to have something like hob for embedded
systems espically the Hobbyist crowd.

>A kernel configuration module for Toaster is something that we'd like to
>see at some point. And the branding one I agree it would be great to have.
>Feel free to open Bugzilla entries for both.

Under what catagories would these two be filed under?

>Contributions are very welcome! :) You can get involved in both
>development and QA work. To get started, you can subscribe to the Toaster
>mailing list:

Sure I'll start looking over there. I'm pretty busy with my college
schedule right now so I'm afraid I can't make it to the regular
meetings. But thanks for the offer! :)

>Hob is not meant to be like Suse Studios. Further more you are right about the 
>interface sucking
>hard for certain things, I would recommend you start cleaning that up first 
>and then afterwards
>move on to other areas of interest with YP.
>Cheers Nick

I see, will do.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Barros Pena, Belen
<belen.barros.p...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> On 11/11/2014 12:58, "Richard Schmitt" <richard.schm...@freescale.com>
> wrote:
>>We also are looking to update Hob.
> It is great to see so much interest in Hob: for a while we thought nobody
> was using it! But I should probably be clear about the project plans in
> relation to Hob. The final goal is to replace it with Toaster. Hob is
> still being maintained, but no new features are planned for it.
> You are of course free to take Hob and add to it if you feel that's the
> tool that better suits your needs. However:
> * I cannot guarantee that Hob will be included in future releases of the
> Yocto Project.
> * Having been very involved in both Hob and Toaster, I must say that
> Toaster will be much more powerful, easier to extend with new features
> like the ones you suggest below, and in general way nicer to use.
> I am not sure how much you know about the Toaster project, or if there is
> anything in it that makes it unfit for your needs. But I would be happy to
> have a chat about it all, answer any questions you may have, and demo it
> if you'd like to see it.
>>In particular, adding kernel feature support.  Branding would be nice
> A kernel configuration module for Toaster is something that we'd like to
> see at some point. And the branding one I agree it would be great to have.
> Feel free to open Bugzilla entries for both.
> Cheers
> Belén
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org
>>[mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On Behalf Of Barros Pena, Belen
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:37 AM
>>To: John Unland; yocto@yoctoproject.org
>>Subject: Re: [yocto] Making Hob better.
>>Hi John,
>>Thanks for your feedback on Hob: I agree with everything you said.
>>We are currently moving towards web-based interfaces for the Yocto
>>Project tools, and are working on something called Toaster that
>>eventually will do what Hob does. You can get more information on Toaster
>>On 10/11/2014 23:58, "John Unland" <opensourcejohn2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Lastly, I would really love to help with development as well.
>>> I
>>>haven't really gotten into programming that much but I have worked with
>>>the Fedora Server Special Interest Group doing QA for Alpha and Beta
>>>release. So if anyone can put me in the right direction I can certainly
>>>help YP out.
>>Contributions are very welcome! :) You can get involved in both
>>development and QA work. To get started, you can subscribe to the Toaster
>>mailing list:
>>You can have a look at the features we are currently working on in the
>>Yocto Project Bugzilla instance
>>There is information on how to contribute at
>>We also have a weekly call that happens on Wednesdays at 4pm GMT. If you
>>would like to join the call, let me know.
>>All the best,
>>>Thank you.
>>>yocto mailing list
>>yocto mailing list
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