Hob is not meant to be like Suse Studios. Further more you are right about the 
interface sucking 
hard for certain things, I would recommend you start cleaning that up first and 
then afterwards 
move on to other areas of interest with YP.
Cheers Nick 
On 14-11-10 06:58 PM, John Unland wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to the embedded space, been working with embedded for a
> couple of months now as well as Linux itself. After much time spent
> with Hob I have to say it's a awesome tool to use. However I would
> like it to be better than it already is, I see the potential of this
> interface to help newbies like myself, weather it be hobbyist or
> industrial use. So below is what I have found through my fiddling
> around with Hob.
> -Some interface inconsistencies when your selecting layers, image
> type, distro type etc.
> -Image deployments (Only .hddimg and .iso can be deployed to physical
> media at the end (To my knowledge) of the build process. There's is a
> lot of FS types, but I would really like to have a steps on how to
> install these other FS types which documentation nor simply goggling
> it helps)
> -Branding. There are ways to go and edit files to specify how to
> rebrand and stuff but that requires a command line. I would like to
> have the simple screen where I can add branding (Boot screens, Logos,
> and distro names etc.). I could definitely if Hob does have a Web User
> interface where I can't access a command line to change parameters of
> the finished product.
> -Documentation is awesome, however from a person that has only a year
> and a half experience using Linux it's kinda hard reading it
> sometimes. (Not really anything bad on Yocto's part. I would just like
> to input something that newbies can be represented in this project)
> I really could see Hob become a open source version of openSUSE Studio
> (Which it's closed source) but for embedded devices. So that's just my
> hopes for Hob / Yocto could become...
> Lastly, I would really love to help with development as well. I
> haven't really gotten into programming that much but I have worked
> with the Fedora Server Special Interest Group doing QA for Alpha and
> Beta release. So if anyone can put me in the right direction I can
> certainly help YP out.
> Thank you.
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