On 14-04-28 09:35 AM, Neuer User wrote:
Am 28.04.2014 15:16, schrieb Bruce Ashfield:
It all depends on how adventurous you are today :) Using a defconfig
will work, and you can generate one without much trouble. Using
fragments will allow you to keep your changes separate from the
baseline configuration, but you'll need to tweak the recipe .. which
always carries a risk of some unexpected side effects.

I'm around to help regardless of which way you chose.



Well, I looked at the linux-yocto file and tried a couple of
combinations in my bbappend. All of them geenrated lots of different errors.

If you send me pointers to your bblayers and local.conf settings, I'll
run a build to see what happens here as well.

I'm always interested in tracking these down regardless.


e.g. I used:

FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}-${PV}:"

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_cubox-i = "(cubox-i)"

SRC_URI += "file://videoin.cfg"

addtask kernel_configme before do_configure after do_patch

# Pick up shared functions
inherit kernel
inherit kernel-yocto
#require linux-dtb.inc

# extra tasks
addtask kernel_configcheck after do_configure before do_compile

The error messages are too long to include here :-/

Guess, it is probably best to go the defconfig way.

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