On 14-04-28 09:14 AM, Neuer User wrote:
Am 28.04.2014 15:03, schrieb Bruce Ashfield:
The answer to your question depends on the base linux-cubox-i
Config fragment support works for kernels that inherit from linux-yocto,
versus ones that inherit directly from kernel.bbclass. So if you
pop open that base recipe, and look for a reference to linux-yocto.inc,
you'll have the answer.
It is possible to bbappend the linux-yocto support into the kernel
recipe via your layer, and might be worth a try.
The separation between the two classes exists to not break compatibility
with existing kernel recipes, or change long standing oe workflow with
the existing classes.
Ahh, I see. That is probably the reason then. It includes from linux-imx:
include recipes-kernel/linux/linux-imx.inc
Now, should I just forget the fragment idea and use my own defconfig
file? Or can I just include linux-yocto.inc in my bbappend?
It all depends on how adventurous you are today :) Using a defconfig
will work, and you can generate one without much trouble. Using
fragments will allow you to keep your changes separate from the
baseline configuration, but you'll need to tweak the recipe .. which
always carries a risk of some unexpected side effects.
I'm around to help regardless of which way you chose.
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