On 4 April 2014 16:36, Jens Lucius <jensluc...@freenet.de> wrote:
> Am 04.04.2014 16:42, schrieb Gary Thomas:
>> Note: there was already a recipe for tk 8.6.0 in meta-oe (always a
>> good place to check for missing pieces before crafting your own)
> Actually there is. DonĀ“t know why I missed that. I just started with yocto
> this week and still get confused where to best look for recipes. There is
> the old openembedded, meta-oe, oe-core/meta, yocto and some are floating
> around in other gits. Would be really nice to have one place to go.
> But thanks again for pointing to the meta-oe where I will also look for
> recipes in the future.

The best place to search is usually

Just make sure you check the README for any layers you include to see
what else they depend on (e.g. some layers depend on the meta-oe

Recipes from the old openembedded repo usually need a bit of work to
bring them up to date, they're a good last resort before writing your
own recipe for something.


Paul Barker

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