Am 04.04.2014 16:42, schrieb Gary Thomas:
On 2014-04-04 08:34, Jens Lucius wrote:
I am a little bit confused if Python Tkinter is included as a package for 
python in the Yocto system.
- There is a patch for python recipe called "avoid_warning_about_tkinter.patch" 
which states "_tkinter module needs tk module along with tcl. tk is not yet integrated in 
yocto so
we skip the check for this module. Avoid a warning by not adding this module to 
missing variable."
- I have included in my recipe: "python-core python-tkinter" which gave no error, but no 
tkinter installed and I have tried including "python-core python-modules" which gave me a
lot of python modules, but still no tkinter. (tried "from Tkinter import *" 
which gave an error and no tkinter in /usr/lib/python2.7)

Do I manually need to install another package? Is it included or not? Do I need 
to do my own recipe?
To answer my own question:

Yes Tkinter is included in Python build but as the patch states it needs tcl as 
well as tk with tcl already included in Yocto and tk not.

Andrei Gherzan wrote a .bb for OE-Core for tk version 8.5.11 which did work for 
me after bumping it to the latest version 8.6.1.

If anybody needs it or wants to integrate it in Yocto here is the bb: (just 
remember to include tk and tcl in your build or add dependencies for them in 
Note: there was already a recipe for tk 8.6.0 in meta-oe (always a
good place to check for missing pieces before crafting your own)

Actually there is. DonĀ“t know why I missed that. I just started with yocto this week and still get confused where to best look for recipes. There is the old openembedded, meta-oe, oe-core/meta, yocto and some are floating around in other gits. Would be really nice to have one place to go.
But thanks again for pointing to the meta-oe where I will also look for 
recipes in the future.
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