Hi Brad,

On Tuesday 17 December 2013 19:46:11 Brad Litterell wrote:
> Thank you for the reply.  However, That's not what I'm looking for.  I
> already get the latest version of the source code.
> What I'm really after is the ability to generate output packages that have
> increasing version numbers so I can use the package manager to update them.
> I think Martin's subsequent reply is the secret to use PKGV.  I didn't know
> about that variable.

You don't need to use any special classes to get this behaviour. Put this in
your recipe (replacing 1.2.3 with the appropriate base version you are

PV = "1.2.3+git${SRCPV}"

and enable the PR service, which will ensure SRCREV changes always increment
the version properly:




Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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