On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 08:16:40AM +0000, Brad Litterell wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a few recipes in my image that represent my own custom code.  I would 
> like to generate PV dynamically from my source code, but since the recipe is 
> parsed before the code is extracted from the tarball, that's not easy to do.
> The Poky reference manual implies this is possible:
> PV is generally not overridden within a recipe unless it is building an 
> unstable (i.e. development) version from a source code repository (e.g. Git 
> or Subversion).
> However, I have not found an actual example. Is there a recommended way to do 
> this?

Do you really need to change PV? Check PKGV,
meta-openembedded/meta-oe/classes/gitpkgv.bbclass could be interesting
example for you.

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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