So, is there any workaround in any way to get unblocked or I should just
switch away from Yocto for now? Unfortunately, if no workaround comes, I do
not have any other option because then it just does not work. :(

Note, I have no clue how to use the meta-sourcery layer, and it has no any
proper documentation about that, nor example, like the Linaro guys nicely
made one for their solution.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Laszlo Papp <> wrote:

> Also, it seems to be a bit less lightweight than what we have in oe-core.
> I would not like to pull unnecessary recipes in. Is it possible to work the
> oe-core stuff around?
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Laszlo Papp <> wrote:
>> I believe the developer story would be simpler with oe-core as opposed to
>> meta-sourcery. Besides, some documentation would be nice to have how to use
>> it, how it will work alongside the oe-core "example", and so forth.
>> You know, something similar to what the Linaro people seem to have.
>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Chris Larson <>wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Brian Hutchinson 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Laszlo Papp <> wrote:
>>>>> is this officially supported by the Yocto project? I would not like to
>>>>> use Yocto for my own purposes if it is something unsupported, and I would
>>>>> need to put a significant investment into to it to make the releases
>>>>> buildable, et cetera.
>>> I'm not certain as to the official Yocto support stance on
>>> external-sourcery as it exists in or-core at this time, but if you do want
>>> to use the Sourcery G++ toolchain rather than one of the alternatives
>>> suggested by others in this thread, you can use the meta-sourcery layer,
>>> which while it isn't officially supported by Yocto, is officially supported
>>> by Mentor Graphics, the company which provides the aforementioned toolchain.
>>>  --
>>> Christopher Larson
>>> clarson at kergoth dot com
>>> Founder - BitBake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus
>>> Maintainer - Tslib
>>> Senior Software Engineer, Mentor Graphics
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