On Thu, 2013-06-20 at 10:26 -0700, Paul D. DeRocco wrote:
> > From: Tom Zanussi
> > 
> > I actually used yocto-bsp to create a brand new cedartrail BSP, called
> > meta-cdt, with just a vesa graphics machine called 'cdt-vesa':
> > 
> >
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-intel-contrib/log/?h=tzanussi
> /meta-cdt-v0
> > 
> > It built fine here, but it wouldn't boot on my Aspire One, but I
> > couldn't boot either of the official 'danny' cedartrail 
> > (cedartrail and
> > cedartrail-nopvr) images I built either.
> > 
> > I'd be curious if the meta-cdt layer would work for you, though.
> This builds and boots fine on an Intel DN2800MT. Now to start modifying it,
> and seeing what happens.

Great, glad to hear it!  Now I need to figure out what's going on with
the Aspire One, now that I know it should work..



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