Hi Andrea,

On May 10, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Andrea Sterbini <a.sterb...@tiscali.it> wrote:

> The problems I have found (and someway fixed) are:
> 1) when I do "bitbake meta-toolchain" I get an error complaining that the 
> compiler is not able to build for powerpc with FPU
> Fix: I have changed the ml507 rules to include just the soft FPU

I never did get soft-float to work properly with gcc-4.6 or gcc-4.7. I got 
soft-float to work with gcc-4.5.4.

hard float fpu support worked with gcc-4.7.

Were you able to boot and login to the command prompt with the generated images 

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson
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