> From: Trevor Woerner
> I'm kinda surprised Robert Day hasn't jumped in, I know he's got all
> this straightened out :-)
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 10:10 PM, ChenQi 
> <qi.c...@windriver.com> wrote:
> > In your case, you could add the following line to local.conf.
> > IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "samba"
> I thought this was not the generally accepted notation. I thought
>     IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " samba"
> (note the space before 'samba') was better. Having an _append bitbake
> option and using += seems a bit redundant.

That's what I thought, too, but what do I know? I tried it with += and no
space, and it does indeed work. I have no idea how this stuff is parsed
internally. Somehow, it grates on me that underscore is used almost like an
operator in BitBake.

> Sorry, Paul, for only noticing this thread now. I wrote a very quick
> bunch of notes when I was going through this as well. Some of these
> notes are probably out of date (they were "correct" at the time, but
> trying to keep pace with Yocto is isn't easy!) but hopefully there's
> something there that might help.
> My notes are at:
> https://github.com/twoerner/meta-trevor/blob/master/misc/notes
> Specifically item #8 might be useful.

Thanks. The distinction between recipes and packages is very useful to know.
So is some of the other stuff.

> Robert Day wrote lots of notes which you can find starting here:
> http://www.crashcourse.ca/wiki/index.php/Yocto_Project
> Tim Bird too has written some good stuff:
> http://elinux.org/Yocto_Project_Introduction

I'll read those, too.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com 

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