Hi John,

On 9 Jul 2012, at 18:02, r10kindsofpeople wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Monday, July 9, 2012, r10kindsofpeople <r10kindsofpeo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> There was some discussion of setting up a mailing list for Raspberry
>>> PI back in May...did anything come of this?
>>> Or is this [Yocto] the best place to post build questions regarding
>>> meta-raspberrypi ?
>> Build related makes sense for yocto to ml I think
> I suspect they're more tightly related to the meta-raspberrypi than
> general Yocto, but here goes with an example.  (Apologies in advance
> if I have terminology wrong, I'm still getting up to speed with
> Yocto).
> To begin, I did a git clone of the Yocto master, then a git-clone of
> meta-raspberrypi from github djwillis, then (after setting MACHINE and
> DISTRO per readme) bitbake rpi-hwup-image.

First thing, I've been running with 'Denzil', so master may give different 
results. I've also not updated my meta-raspberrypi for a while.

> Is this a silly thing to do?  Should I be using an earlier release of
> Yocto?  Or...?
> The first sign of trouble was an error message saying there were no
> recipes for netbase-4.7 (for which meta-raspberrypi had a .bbappend).
> Noting that meta was at netbase-5.0 and that the .bbappend at a glance
> did not look to be version specific, I renamed the meta-raspberrypi
> recipe and directory to netbase-5.0, and the build was off and
> running.

Sounds reasonable. 4.7 is the version that's in 'Denzil'.

> Now I'm getting fetch failures for a variety of libraries, and, I
> think kernel-3.1.9.
> I can probably sort out some of these using the same process, but the
> larger question is whether I'm on the right track.

Yes, you're on the right track. Does

bitbake virtual/kernel

run ok? That should give you a useable kernel image. Running

bitbake bcm2835-bootfiles

will give you a complete set of files that can be used to boot the board. This 
won't give you a running system as there will be no root file system, but if 
this builds and runs then you're well on the way. I've seen some issues with 
the firmware (provided as binary files) that mean some kernel builds fail to 
run if kernel compression is used (you get a screen that shows four coloured 
'boxes'). If that happens, then changing:


in meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi.conf will disable compression and 
should get you going.

> John
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Chris Tapp


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