On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, July 9, 2012, r10kindsofpeople <r10kindsofpeo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> There was some discussion of setting up a mailing list for Raspberry
>> PI back in May...did anything come of this?
>> Or is this [Yocto] the best place to post build questions regarding
>> meta-raspberrypi ?
> Build related makes sense for yocto to ml I think

I suspect they're more tightly related to the meta-raspberrypi than
general Yocto, but here goes with an example.  (Apologies in advance
if I have terminology wrong, I'm still getting up to speed with

To begin, I did a git clone of the Yocto master, then a git-clone of
meta-raspberrypi from github djwillis, then (after setting MACHINE and
DISTRO per readme) bitbake rpi-hwup-image.

Is this a silly thing to do?  Should I be using an earlier release of
Yocto?  Or...?

The first sign of trouble was an error message saying there were no
recipes for netbase-4.7 (for which meta-raspberrypi had a .bbappend).
Noting that meta was at netbase-5.0 and that the .bbappend at a glance
did not look to be version specific, I renamed the meta-raspberrypi
recipe and directory to netbase-5.0, and the build was off and

Now I'm getting fetch failures for a variety of libraries, and, I
think kernel-3.1.9.

I can probably sort out some of these using the same process, but the
larger question is whether I'm on the right track.

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