On 08/06/12 07:28, Barros Pena, Belen wrote:
> Vanilla 5 - branded 0 :)
> Shane, Dongxiao and Alex: from an implementation point of view, I guess
> this means eliminating any hardcoded UI-related values (button colours and
> styles, for example). Joshua: if you have a rough idea of the things that
> will need to be changed from the work you did before the 1.2 release,
> please let us know.

I have a link to an old article that suggests techniques for getting colours from the GTK+ theme:


It's pretty old but I believe the GTK+2 pieces are still appropriate for Hob.

On top of that using gtk.Table is bad, using hard coded sizes for text, widgets, etc. is bad.

Pango markup supports proportional font sizes (large, larger) like CSS and I'd suggest those be used.

I think we should keep the existing icons, though.
> What do you think?

I'm definitely in favour of that.

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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