On 06/08/2012 07:28 AM, Barros Pena, Belen wrote:
> Vanilla 5 - branded 0 :)
> Shane, Dongxiao and Alex: from an implementation point of view, I guess
> this means eliminating any hardcoded UI-related values (button colours and
> styles, for example).

GTK should be able to pull those colors and styles from the existing
theme. As Joshua mentioned in a hallway conversation, the highlight
color of the theme can be requested and used, rather than using a
hardcoded one. This still allows for customization of the UI, but keeps
the color scheme consistent.

> Joshua: if you have a rough idea of the things that
> will need to be changed from the work you did before the 1.2 release,
> please let us know. I think we should keep the existing icons, though.
> What do you think?

The existing artwork and general layout are nice and help indicate
intended usage. In my humble opinion, they should stay.


> Shane: will I log this in bugzilla so that you can assign it a milestone
> and an owner?
> Thanks
> Belen
> On 31/05/2012 20:01, "Burton, Ross" <ross.bur...@intel.com> wrote:
>> Hi Belen,
>> On 31 May 2012 17:55, Barros Pena, Belen <belen.barros.p...@intel.com>
>> wrote:
>>> As part of the Hob work for the 1.3 release it looks like we need to
>>> make
>>> a visual design and implementation decision: do we want a 'vanilla' or a
>>> 'branded' look for Hob? Sorry if the choice of words is not the best.
>>> Neither 'vanilla' nor 'branded' are meant in any negative way.
>> Vanilla, definitely.  Aside from sticking out like a sore thumb on the
>> user's desktop, a "branded" interface in something like GTK+ is
>> normally trickier to implement.
>> Ross
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