On 10 Apr 2012, at 22:28, Bob Cochran wrote:

> On 04/10/2012 04:40 PM, Chris Tapp wrote:
>> I think this is a summary of the steps needed to reconfigure the 
>> kernel,based on the instructions in the 6.0.1 dev manual:
>> 1) bitbake linux-yocto -c clean
>> 2) bitbake linux-yocto -c menuconfig
>> 3) bitbake linux-yocto -c compile -f
>> 4) bitbake linux-yocto
>> However, the bzimage in tmp/deploy/images is the same as the one that I had 
>> before I executed the above. I'm not sure if the md5sum is the same (will 
>> check next time round the loop), but it certainly doesn't seem to pick up 
>> the new configuration that I'm generating within menuconfig.
>> If I use 'cleanall' in step 1 (as shown in the manual) then I do get a new 
>> image, but at the expense of having to download the kernel branch again 
>> (even with a DL_DIR set). Can I get away with just using 'clean' if I do 
>> something else as well ?
>> Chris Tapp
> Chris,
> Don't you find bzImage under your work directory 
> (<machine>/tmp/work/<machine>-poky-linux/linux-yocto....) ?
> I just gave your steps a spin with the beta release, and I do see that the 
> image is missing in my deploy/images directory, but I do find it in my work 
> directory.
> I'm just pointing this out in case you're stuck wanting a new image to work 
> with.

Thanks, I did see one there, but it had a date stamp that indicated it was from 
last Friday and a 'last accessed' date for today. This suggest that it came 
from sstate and wasn't generated as a result of the build.

I'm just about at the end of a rebuild after a 'cleanall', so I'll have a new 
image ready shortly. Will have to look at using a local git clone of the kernel 
so I don't have to wait 30+ minutes for the download to complete each time I 

Chris Tapp

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