I think this is a summary of the steps needed to reconfigure the kernel,based 
on the instructions in the 6.0.1 dev manual:

1) bitbake linux-yocto -c clean
2) bitbake linux-yocto -c menuconfig
3) bitbake linux-yocto -c compile -f
4) bitbake linux-yocto

However, the bzimage in tmp/deploy/images is the same as the one that I had 
before I executed the above. I'm not sure if the md5sum is the same (will check 
next time round the loop), but it certainly doesn't seem to pick up the new 
configuration that I'm generating within menuconfig.

If I use 'cleanall' in step 1 (as shown in the manual) then I do get a new 
image, but at the expense of having to download the kernel branch again (even 
with a DL_DIR set). Can I get away with just using 'clean' if I do something 
else as well ?

Chris Tapp


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