On 26/01/12 14:11, Scott Garman wrote:
In this case, the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM is storing the md5sum of the COPYING
file, which is stored in the top-level directory of the extracted sources.
So manually download the hello version you are trying to use, extract
the tarball locally, and run md5sum against the COPYING file. Then
update the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM field with that new md5 checksum.
Or if you're lazy, like me, you can just run the build and let it fail
then run md5sum on the extracted source in the work directory.
i.e. for qemux86 hello world I could bitbake helloworld then:
md5sum tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/hello-world-2.7-r0/hello-world-2.7/COPYING
Joshua Lock
Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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