On 26/01/12 16:44, jfabernathy wrote:
I'm trying to understand the concept of creating a recipe and having
it included in the build I do.
For example, suppose I want to create the meta-intel/meta-cedartrail
BSP with the core-image-minimal image, but I wanted to include hello
world as shown in 3.1.2 Autotooled Package section of the Poky
reference Manual.
Where do I put the recipe file? I'm guessing a recipe-jfa directory
at the same level as the meta-cedartrail recipe-core, recipe-kernel,
recipe-graphic, recipe-bsp?
I'm also assuming that helloworld.bb file would contain:
DESCRIPTION = "GNU Helloworld application"
SECTION = "examples"
PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/hello/hello-${PV}.tar.gz"
inherit autotools gettext
So where do the values of ${GNU_MIRROR|, and ${PV} get set correctly?
And what does the following line do or require me to do:
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe"
Is this all that is needed to get helloworld put into /usr/bin so it
can be executed at the command line when the image is booted?
Jim A
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