Beth, Darren, Tom, Matthew, Scott R., Sean, Richard, Paul, Jeff, Denys,
Bruce, Mark, Dave, Song

New Action Item List:
* Action item Review - 5 min
1. Mark will review unsorted features from Wind River team and try to have them scheduled (WIP)

Focus of the current week:
M1 development and bug fixing, keep features on schedule, get patches reviewed or pre-reviewed as soon as possible.


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)

* Opens - 10 min
- Tested Distro - Paul requested that people review the Tested Distro list and send updates.

* Yocto 1.0.2 and 1.1.1 point release update - 10 min (Josh/Beth)
. Had an almost complete build for 1.0.2 last week, but still have some problems. Joshua is working on it. Targeting this week to have a build.
  . Will have CCB review the overall patch strategy for 1.1.1 tomorrow.
* Yocto 1.2 M1 Status (features development) - 10 min (Song/Beth) . We are in the 5th week of M1. Feature complete coming this weekend
    . The build is green, no high bugs.
. Test plan for all testable features have been completed, will be executed when the feature is in the build. . Great progress on P1 features last week, One small P1 has 20% done. all others are more than 70% complete. Most of them are more than 80% complete. . Last week has a great surprise on bug fixing, fixed about 20 bugs. Richard contributed most of them . Not great update on package update. Only one package update last week, Saul and Song will follow up on that. . Darren 1635: this one may have to be rescheduled. Darren will see how to fit this one into the rest of his schedule. . Issue: lots of features in the development stage, there could be a stampede of patch review and pull request in this last development week. - Consensus of the team: most of the people are working diligently to keep the features on schedule and also get patches pre-reviewed. We should allow more time for this to work. - We should publish the current process we are using so that the community can understand it better.

* Action item Review - 5 min
1. Mark will review unsorted features from Wind River team and try to have them scheduled (WIP)

* Weekly team sharing (20 min)
 Dave: Manager and
Mark: Internal WR stuff, Bitbake runtask work - mechanism to call into bitbake, prelinker maybe ARM-eabi prevents linkage Bruce: Traveling, M2 dev on schedule dev kernel 3.2rc4, Tracking Stable 3.0rt, Main RT at 3.2, kernel updating and BSP refreshes 1.2 will be at least 3.2
 Denys: Nothing
 Jeff: Nothing
Paul: Finished BuildHistory - enable on AB?, QT 4.8.0 release, bugfixing no blockers Richard: Patch pulling, slowed down by HW issue, moving forward to address M1 and master updating.
 Sean: Nothing
Scott R: Cleaning up Doc Bugs 1773, 1500, continuing with bugs and working on Website doc pages, no blockers
 Matthew: Nothing
 Tom: Finished off M1 Intel video acceleration, internal bsp and support
Darren: EFI Support (pounding head on desk), looking into other odd behavior, internal BSP work. Beth: License M1 task - custom license, license manifest, license cleanup, License Audit (team effort in the future), Gearing up for M1 Saul: Recovering from Sick, Pull wrangling, helping Joshua out with 1.0.2 debugging, selfhosted image work

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