Hi Eric,

The eclipse 1.0 works with Yocto 1.0 release.  For the latest Yocto mainline, 
we'd advise you to update to eclipse Indigo, 1.1_M3.final is updated for 
Indigo.  We're working on the document including how to configure Indigo at the 
moment for the upcoming Yocto Oct. release.  Below is the section talks about 
how to configure your Indigo to work with Yocto plug-in.  After doing this, you 
can just use the yocto eclipse of master.  Hope this will get you going.


1.      Start the Eclipse IDE.
2.      Select "Install New Software" from the "Help" pull-down menu.
3.      Select Indego - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indego from the 
"Work with:" pull-down menu.
4.      Expand the box next to Programming Languages and select the Autotools 
Support for CDT (incubation) and C/C++ Development Tools boxes.
5.      Complete the installation and restart the Eclipse IDE.
6.      Select "Install New Software" from the "Help" pull-down menu.
7.      After the Eclipse IDE restarts, click the "Available Software Sites" 
8.      Check the box next to http://download.eclipse.org/tm/updates/3.3 and 
click "OK".
9.      Select http://download.eclipse.org/tm/updates/3.3 from the "Work with:" 
pull-down menu.
10.     Check the box next to TM and RSE Main Features.
11.     Expand the box next to TM and RSE Optional Add-ons and select every 
item except RSE Unit Tests and RSE WinCE Services (incubation).
12.     Complete the installation and restart the Eclipse IDE.
13.     After the Eclipse IDE restarts, click the "Available Software Sites" 
14.     Check the box next to 
http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indego and click "OK".
15.     Select http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indego from the 
"Work with:" pull-down menu.
16.     Check the box next to CDT Main Features.
17.     Expand the box next to CDT Optional Features and select C/C++ Remote 
Launch and Target Communication Framework (incubation).
18.     Complete the installation and restart the Eclipse IDE.

-----Original Message-----
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Enric Balletbò i Serra
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 1:35 AM
To: Lu, Lianhao
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] Error Creating Project with Eclipse IDE

2011/9/6 Enric Balletbò i Serra <eballe...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/9/6 Lu, Lianhao <lianhao...@intel.com>:
>> Enric Balletbò i Serra wrote on 2011-09-06:
>>> Hi Lianhao,
>>> 2011/9/6 Lu, Lianhao <lianhao...@intel.com>:
>>>> Hi Enric,
>>>> Which version of the Yocto eclipse plug-in did you use?
>>> I'm using version 1.0 from
>>> http://www.yoctoproject.org/downloads/eclipse-plugin/1.0 with latest
>>> yocto mainline from git.
>> I believe the latest changes in Yocto mainline is not compatible with the 
>> 1.0 plugin due to some file/variable name changes in the Yocto mainline.
> Ah ok, that could explain my problem, thanks
>> -Lianhao
>>>> Have you configure the plug-in as mentioned in manual section 4.1.3?
>>> Yes, I followed these steps I will review the steps to see if I'm
>>> missing something ...
>>> Cheers,
>>>   Enric
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> -Lianhao
>>>> Enric Balletbò i Serra wrote on 2011-09-06:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Following
>>>>> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.1/adt-manual/adt-manual.htm
>>>>> (chapter 4.2), when I’m creating a New Project I’m getting the message:
>>>>>   Error Creating Project
>>>>>   Project cannot be created
>>>>>   Reason: Internal Error: java.lang.NullPointerException I'm
>>>>> running Eclipse Helios (Version: Helios Service Release 2, Build
>>>>> id: 20110301-1815) on Ubuntu 10.10 machine.
>>>>> Any clue with this ?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>    Enric

I see the same error using 1.1_M3.final tag from git repositories, is
this problem solved anywhere ? Maybe in master ?

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