On Sat, 26 Aug 2023, Ahmad Nouralizadeh wrote:

>> Those accesses might not stop with just the display off - some
>> applications may keep redrawing.
Will these accesses cause iGPU or dedicated GPU accesses to the DRAM? I think 
that those redrawings originate from the processor.

>I'm not sure a graphical benchmark will run without a graphical system
Yes, VLC is one of the benchmarks and will not run without GUI.
You can start system with plain X and twm for window manager - this would 
produce minimal load on the GPU.
However, I would have expected that VLC would produce a lot GPU/iGPU 
accesses even without drawing anything, because it would try to use GPU 
Displaying video is also often done using GL or Xvideo - plain X is too 
slow for this.
>Maybe do the reverse of what I suggested. Run the benchmark but send
>the output to a remote display.
Will it avoid screen activation in the local machine?
There should be a rather drastic difference in speed between VLC 
displaying locally and in a remote X using network.

Vladimir Dergachev

>Since IMC counters appear to be a feature of the powerpc architecture,
>you might get a better response from some list/forum specific to that

IMC stands for the Integrated Memory Controller. The DRAM controller has some 
internal counters for counting different types of memory accesses. For example, 
for my laptop it is documented here:

Do you have any suggestions about the cause of the xrandr error? It works 
perfectly in the virtual machine!

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