On Sat, 26 Aug 2023, Ahmad Nouralizadeh wrote:
>> Those accesses might not stop with just the display off - some >> applications may keep redrawing. Will these accesses cause iGPU or dedicated GPU accesses to the DRAM? I think that those redrawings originate from the processor. >I'm not sure a graphical benchmark will run without a graphical system >running? Yes, VLC is one of the benchmarks and will not run without GUI.
You can start system with plain X and twm for window manager - this would produce minimal load on the GPU.
However, I would have expected that VLC would produce a lot GPU/iGPU accesses even without drawing anything, because it would try to use GPU decoder.
Displaying video is also often done using GL or Xvideo - plain X is too slow for this.
>Maybe do the reverse of what I suggested. Run the benchmark but send >the output to a remote display. Will it avoid screen activation in the local machine?
There should be a rather drastic difference in speed between VLC displaying locally and in a remote X using network.
best Vladimir Dergachev
>Since IMC counters appear to be a feature of the powerpc architecture, >you might get a better response from some list/forum specific to that >architecture. IMC stands for the Integrated Memory Controller. The DRAM controller has some internal counters for counting different types of memory accesses. For example, for my laptop it is documented here: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/monitoring-integrated-memory-controller-requests-in-the-2nd-3rd-and-4th-generation-intel.html Do you have any suggestions about the cause of the xrandr error? It works perfectly in the virtual machine!