Dan wrote:
I have a demo project up and running that I built with both XML Editor Personal
Edition and the XSLUtility. The demo works great, and I appreciate your
So now I’d like to purchase a license, but am confused about whether I should
purchase the xde-usr license + XSL-FO Converter or if I can buy the xe-usr
license and get both products bundled together.
XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition (the xe-usr license) does not
include XMLmind XSL-FO Converter per se. That is, it does not include
all the different apps and command-line tools which are part of the
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter distribution.
However it includes XMLmind XSL-FO Converter as a preinstalled
*plug-in*. See "Which editor to choose?", "XML Editor Professional
Edition" column, https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/which_editor.html
XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition has all the capabilities of
XSLUtility, including "Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets" (Menu
item "Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion
using the "XMLmind XSL Customizer" helper application
XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition can be used to convert documents
using a (included in the distribution) command-line tool called
"xxeconvert". See
However as a command-line tool "xxeconvert" is noticeably slower than
Therefore if you want to save money you'll buy xe-usr
(https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/price_list.html) and if you prefer to
use 2 simpler tools rather than a single, more complex one, you'll buy
xde-usr+fc-desk (https://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/price_list.html).
I am currently only using the editor for DITA projects on the MacOS, but also
need to run the XSLUtility that I’ve been using (and also need to run it from
the command line), also on the MacOS.
Works with both xe-usr and xde-usr+fc-desk.
So my questions are:
First, is the XSLUtility the same thing as the XSL-FO-Converter? I’m assuming
they are the same thing, but maybe they are two different products?
XSLUtility is a UI app which is part of all "XMLmind XSL-FO Converter"
products, including the least expensive product called "XMLmind XSL-FO
Converter for Java Desktop License" (fc-desk). See "Which license to
choose?", the "Desktop License" column,
Second, if I purchase the xe-usr license for $390, does that include the XSL-FO
Converter? And if so, can I run the Converter from the command line, as I”ve
been doing with the free demo version? This is the license I’d prefer if it
provides access to the XSL-FO Converter. Or would I have to purchase the
xde-usr license for $195 and then purchase the XSL-FO Converter ($340)
separately? Of course, I’m hoping I can just spend $390 and get access to both
the editor and the Converter bundled together, not just because it’s cheaper
but also because it’s simpler to maintain when renewing licenses, etc.
See above answers.
You can give XMLmind XML Editor and its "xxeconvert" utility a try by
downloading and installing XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition. See
XMLmind XML Editor Support List