The Xmlmind distribution includes the Apache Batik Plugin for
rasterizing SVG images.
However I'm using Inkscape for SVG image creation. Unfortunately
Inkscape sometimes creates non-standard conformant SVG code. This code
does not cause any trouble with current browsers but Batik being very
picky frequently throws exceptions making Xmlmind image rendering a pain.
In the past it was possible to use
.../xmlmind/addon/config/unix/imagetoolkits.incl to replace the Batik
plugin by inkscape:
<imageToolkit name="Inkscape as an external SVG toolkit">
<description>Converts SVG to PNG.</description>
<input extensions="svg svgz"
xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" />
<output extensions="png"/>
command='inkscape --export-filename="%O" "%I"' />
This no longer seems to work. The Xmlmind addon configuration view does
not allow to remove the bundled Apache Batik plugin which seems to take
precedence over my Inkscape configuration.
The only way I found so far was removing the addon/batik_imagetoolkit
directory. This causes an xxe startup warning but the application seems
to work properly using my inkscape configuration.
BTW: Any hints regarding e.g. circumventing Inkscape/Batik
incompatibilities are greatly welcome!
Martin Goik Tel. +49-711-8923-2164 http://www.HdM-Stuttgart.de/~goik
GnuPG public key: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/~goik/goik.asc
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zur Unzufriedenheit (Paul Spree)
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