Martin Goik said on Wed, 15 Jan 2025 14:36:00 +0100

>The Xmlmind distribution includes the Apache Batik PluginĀ  for 
>rasterizing SVG images.
>However I'm using Inkscape for SVG image creation. Unfortunately 
>Inkscape sometimes creates non-standard conformant SVG code. This code 
>does not cause any trouble with current browsers but Batik being very 
>picky frequently throws exceptions making Xmlmind image rendering a


I'm pretty sure that if, when you save your Inkscape file, you save it
as Plain SVG instead of Inkscape SVG, you won't have this problem. Of
course this means you must not use any Inkscape extensions to SVG,
including multiline text. For multiline text I just make an x, give it
the desired justification and right position, Ctrl+D it and move the
copy straight down, then use Inkscape's Distribute to create the
desired number of lines.


Steve Litt

XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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