On 10/13/23 22:31, John L. Clark wrote:
I'm using XXE Personal Edition 10.5.0, and I'm seeing spaces at the boundary between elements being deleted when a node-set is copied and pasted into a new location.  Here's an example of what I mean.

Create a new Docbook 5.1 chapter.  (I will write all element names unqualified, but please assume they are in the Docbook 5+ namespace.) In a new `para` element, create an `emphasis` element containing the content "some emphasis " (note the trailing space).  Add a text node immediately following that `emphasis` element with the content "regular text".  Select both nodes (the `emphasis` element followed by the text node) and copy those nodes.  Create a new `para` element after the first, move your cursor into the new element, and paste the previous content.  When I do this, the nodes are pasted, but the text "some emphasis " is changed to "some emphasis" (without the trailing space). This looks like a bug to me.  Can anyone else confirm this and verify that it is a bug?

Yes, I confirm it's a bug.

I managed to reproduce it by following your instructions. Thank you for that. See attached screenshot (the visible tags makes this bug easier to spot).

We'll try to fix it in next version of XXE.
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