I'm using XXE Personal Edition 10.5.0, and I'm seeing spaces at the boundary between elements being deleted when a node-set is copied and pasted into a new location. Here's an example of what I mean.
Create a new Docbook 5.1 chapter. (I will write all element names unqualified, but please assume they are in the Docbook 5+ namespace.) In a new `para` element, create an `emphasis` element containing the content "some emphasis " (note the trailing space). Add a text node immediately following that `emphasis` element with the content "regular text". Select both nodes (the `emphasis` element followed by the text node) and copy those nodes. Create a new `para` element after the first, move your cursor into the new element, and paste the previous content. When I do this, the nodes are pasted, but the text "some emphasis " is changed to "some emphasis" (without the trailing space). This looks like a bug to me. Can anyone else confirm this and verify that it is a bug? Peace, John Clark
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