2023-05-04 12:10 Hussein Shafie:
On 5/4/23 00:04, Leif H Silli wrote:
SVG and HTML are very similar w.r.g. how the language property of an element is defined and works:

1) each have two language property attributes, a “native“
    'lang' attribute plus the generic '[xml:lang]' attribute.
2) each permits <foo xml:lang="en" lang="en"/>
3) each forbids <foo xml:lang="fr" lang="en"/>
    (the atributes must have the same content)
4) when consumed as XML, each spec allows
    <foo xml:lang="fr" /> and
    <foo     lang="en" /> as well as
    <foo xml:lang="en" lang="en"/>
5) Both gives priority to xml:lang, when consumed as XML.
6) Unlike SVG, HTML may also be consumed as text (text/html),
    and then only the last two options are permitted:
    <foo     lang="en" /> as well as
    <foo xml:lang="en" lang="en"/>

What should be the consequences? I my view, it should be that,

a) when someone works with a HTML document (as opposed to a XHTML document), adding xml:lang without also adding lang, should trigger a warning, or error. (Warning can be justified since it could be that a HTML document will be consumed as XML - after all, XMLmind is an XML editork.)

b) if someone specifies both xml:lang and lang but with different values, an error should be displayed.

Makes sense. We will try to implement this validation in the next
version of XXE (probably as a Schematron).


By the way, from my perspective, I know that even if I work with XHTML-flavour XML documents (as opposed to HTML-flavour) XML documents, I would prefer to make text/HTML compatible documents. (I can explain my reasons, if you are interested. But for instance, if I work with a "fragment document", such as a document consisting of a HTML <table> for inclusion (copy and paste of the source code) in a WordPress blog, then I am not interested in having to delete the DOCTYPE which XXE keeps inserting when I work with .html documents (or may be this isn’t an issue, actually - ha, ha).) It also isn’t completely clear to me what XXE considers an HTML document vs an XHTML document (but per the HTML5 spec, a HTML doc _must_ be a complete document, with <!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title/><metaa charset="UTF-8"/></head><body/>, so the answer perhaps gives itself ...)

Anyway, I would prefer to use <foo lang="en"/> or <foo xml:lang="en" lang="en"/> even for such documents. Put differently, I am not sure that it is smart to __not__ warn against <foo xml:lang="en"/> just because the user is authoring an XHTML document (and not a HTML document).

Leif Halvard Silli

XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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