2023-05-04 20:01 skreiv Leif H Silli:
2023-05-04 12:10 Hussein Shafie:
On 5/4/23 00:04, Leif H Silli wrote:
[ ... snip ...]
What should be the consequences? I my view, it should be that,
a) when someone works with a HTML document (as opposed to a XHTML
document), adding xml:lang without also adding lang, should trigger a
warning, or error. (Warning can be justified since it could be that a
HTML document will be consumed as XML - after all, XMLmind is an XML
b) if someone specifies both xml:lang and lang but with different
values, an error should be displayed.
Makes sense. We will try to implement this validation in the next
version of XXE (probably as a Schematron).
[ ... snip ...]
Anyway, I would prefer to use <foo lang="en"/> or <foo xml:lang="en"
lang="en"/> even for such documents. Put differently, I am not sure
that it is smart to __not__ warn against <foo xml:lang="en"/> just
because the user is authoring an XHTML document (and not a HTML
Sorry. May be it could be smart to offer a 'information' that it might
not be wise to only rely on xml:lang. But may be a warning would be a
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