0. Activate Find (via menu or shortcut)
1. Press Return/Enter to search for Foo downwards (default direction)
2. Click the Upwards button (this changes search direction to upwards)
3. Activate Find (either via menu or via shortcut)
[4. Optional: Press Return to activate a single search.]

Expected outcome: That the Upwards button remains active [and thus, that a search upwards is performed]

Actual outcome: Pressing Command + L activated the Downwards button. Which, if you perform step 4, means that the search will b downwards instead of upwards.


I do not have this issue myself - I work with Find differently. But I watched another person having this issue.

By comparison, activating the Find field of the Find & Replace element tool, does not change the search direction.

That activating Find (via shortcut or menu) causes the search direction to be defaulted, is simple to work around, but not very intuitive (even if I guess it can also, for some, be a practical thing).


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