Hi, I want to paste text from the clipboard as a formatted text, so that i.e. line breaks don't get lost.
Example: I copy this text: Text1 Text2 Text3 And wanted to paste it as: <absatz>Text1</absatz> <absatz>Text2</absatz> <absatz>Text3</absatz> I wrote the following command: <cfg:command name="insertAfterAsParagraphs"> <cfg:macro> <cfg:sequence> <cfg:command name="pasteAs" parameter="after[implicitElement] #template(p,absatz)"/> </cfg:sequence> </cfg:macro> </cfg:command> And I wrote the following element template: <elementTemplate name="absatz" dynamic="true"> <absatz>{$line}</absatz> </elementTemplate> But when I copy text from the Internet and want to paste it via defined shortcut, nothing happens. Could you please tell me what's wrong with my commands? Thanks a lot, Monika
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