On 9/15/22 11:41, Jong, Arjan de wrote:
I’ve just added the xxe_config_pack addon, but the system cannot find
the xhtml_loose_support.incl file. How can I solve this issue?
There is no way to solve this issue with XMLmind DocBook Editor.
You simply may not use the "XMLmind XML Editor Configuration Pack"
add-on (which contains configurations other than DocBook for XXE:
http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/addons_doc.html#xxe_config_pack) with
XMLmind *DocBook* Editor.
A workaround would be to temporarily install and use XMLmind *XML*
Editor Personal Edition to create a descriptor for your add-on.
See http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml
Machine generated alternative text: Warning Configuration errors: Errors
found in configuration files x
file:lC:lUsersladejonglAppDatalRoaminglXMLmindlXMLEditor101addonlxxe_config_packladdonladdon • cannot load configuration file .xxe"• C:\Program Files (x86)\XMLmind_DocBook_Editor\addon\config\xhtml_catalog\xhtml_loose_support.incl (The system cannot find the file specified) OK
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