Thanks! Sorry, I have forgotten that. Though I guess it would be more
user-friendly to make 2nd CSS the defaut. (Not sure for what use-case the
1st CSS behaves as it does either. Something commonly used ignores this

On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 9:39 AM Hussein Shafie <> wrote:

> On 5/29/22 11:47, Daniel Dekany wrote:
> >
> > In basic HTML "li" has no 1 line vertical margin around, only "ul"/"ol"
> > has that. If you want to make items that contain long text (not just
> > something like a name), and so you should have more spacing around them,
> > you put "p" inside the "li", not just #text. XXE, on the other hand,
> > always shows 1 line vertical margin around "li", so you can't see what
> > you did, and what looked fine in XXE, will turn out to be a mess
> > elsewhere (as you randomly forgot the "p"). Could this be fixed in the
> > CSS that XXE uses?
> >
> > I half-expect the counter argument that the difference between li/#text
> > and li/p/#text is not semantical, and XXE is not WYSISWG, but WYSISWM
> > ("what you Mean"). But again, the reality is that if you open HTML
> > anywhere, you will get something that you didn't really "mean". Well, at
> > least not what you "want" for sure.
> >
> > BTW, the use case on my side is using HTML instead of plain text or
> > markdown for documenting smaller ad-hoc things. HTML is practical (if
> > you have a proper editor), as it can be opened everywhere. So I can't
> > even use CSS to mimic XXE.
> >
> You seem to have send us a similar support request several years ago
> (March 24, 2013):
> "XHTML li/#text should not have vertical margin like li/p/#text"
> I'm really sorry but, even several years after your first support
> request, there is nothing more we can do than what's explained in my
> original answer:
> ---
> As of XXE v5.2, we have two out-of-the-box CSS:
> [1] "Semantic" (the default CSS).
> [2] "Emulate Web Browser".
> As expected, [2] does what you want.
> ...
> ---
> The only change is that in recent versions of XXE, once you have
> selected "Emulate Web Browser" for a given HTML document, there is
> nothing else to do and XXE will remember your choice in subsequent
> editing sessions.
> In case you want to use "Emulate Web Browser" for ALL your HTML
> documents, see:
> "8.1. "Customize Configuration" menu", "Use Current View Settings as
> Default",

Best regards,
Daniel Dekany
XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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