On 5/29/22 11:47, Daniel Dekany wrote:
In basic HTML "li" has no 1 line vertical margin around, only "ul"/"ol"
has that. If you want to make items that contain long text (not just
something like a name), and so you should have more spacing around them,
you put "p" inside the "li", not just #text. XXE, on the other hand,
always shows 1 line vertical margin around "li", so you can't see what
you did, and what looked fine in XXE, will turn out to be a mess
elsewhere (as you randomly forgot the "p"). Could this be fixed in the
CSS that XXE uses?
I half-expect the counter argument that the difference between li/#text
and li/p/#text is not semantical, and XXE is not WYSISWG, but WYSISWM
("what you Mean"). But again, the reality is that if you open HTML
anywhere, you will get something that you didn't really "mean". Well, at
least not what you "want" for sure.
BTW, the use case on my side is using HTML instead of plain text or
markdown for documenting smaller ad-hoc things. HTML is practical (if
you have a proper editor), as it can be opened everywhere. So I can't
even use CSS to mimic XXE.
You seem to have send us a similar support request several years ago
(March 24, 2013):
"XHTML li/#text should not have vertical margin like li/p/#text"
I'm really sorry but, even several years after your first support
request, there is nothing more we can do than what's explained in my
original answer:
As of XXE v5.2, we have two out-of-the-box CSS:
[1] "Semantic" (the default CSS).
[2] "Emulate Web Browser".
As expected, [2] does what you want.
The only change is that in recent versions of XXE, once you have
selected "Emulate Web Browser" for a given HTML document, there is
nothing else to do and XXE will remember your choice in subsequent
editing sessions.
In case you want to use "Emulate Web Browser" for ALL your HTML
documents, see:
"8.1. "Customize Configuration" menu", "Use Current View Settings as
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