The Display Images as Thumbnails did the trick. Thank you!

On Sat, Apr 9, 2022 at 4:26 AM Hussein Shafie <> wrote:

> On 4/9/22 00:40, Rebecca Shapiro wrote:
> > I am running xmlmind 7.2.0
> Current version is version 10. Version older than 10 are not officially
> supported by us anymore.
> > to work on documentation for xTuple. I am
> > installing the editor on Windows 10 using the install exe. I have Java
> > version 1.8.0_321 installed.
> >
> > I can open small Docbooks but not the large one. I have made the change
> > to xxe.jstart to expand -Xmx1024m from 512. This did not allow the book
> > to open. >
> > I have done a number of things including copying the bin\jre folder from
> > an installation where the book opens. That did not make a difference.
> Indeed. This does not change anything.
> >
> > The folder size of the books that open are under 4MB
> A DocBook document which size is 4Mb is already a VERY large one.
> FYI, "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini, a ~500 pages book for
> which we have the DocBook source is just 2.2Mb large (and it opens in
> XXE v10 in about 2 seconds with the stock image and spelling options
> --see below-- and the stock memory settings).
> > where the large one  is 40MB. Not sure if this is significant.
> It sure is.
> >
> > Any suggestions on what to check next?
> >
> 1) If your DocBook document starts with a <!DOCTYPE> (e.g. <!DOCTYPE
> book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
> "";>) make sure
> that it's one of the DTD found locally in XMLmind XML Editor distribution:
> <XXE_install_dir>/addon/config/docbook/dtd/
>      V4.1.2/  V4.2/  V4.3/  V4.4/  V4.5/
> 2) In case your documents contain a lot of images, select menu item
> "View|Display Images|as Thumbnails". See
> 3) In case your document have a large number of spelling errors (e.g. no
> lang or xml:lang attribute set on the root element and the document is
> written in a language other than English.), check option "When a
> document is created or opened: Never activate the automatic spell
> checker" (menu item "Options|Preferences", "Tools|Spelling" section,
> )
> 4) Finally, try -Xmx2048m, -Xmx3072m, -Xmx4096m, etc.
> No sure that this will work and XMLmind XML Editor v10 would probably
> have exactly the same difficulties at dealing with 4-40Mb documents.
> Sorry but XMLmind XML Editor is not good at editing large, monolithic,
> document. We aim to make it good (and fluid/nice to use) at editing
> large, *modular*, documents.
> --
> XMLmind XML Editor Support List
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