On 4/9/22 00:40, Rebecca Shapiro wrote:
I am running xmlmind 7.2.0

Current version is version 10. Version older than 10 are not officially supported by us anymore.

to work on documentation for xTuple. I am installing the editor on Windows 10 using the install exe. I have Java version 1.8.0_321 installed.

I can open small Docbooks but not the large one. I have made the change to xxe.jstart to expand -Xmx1024m from 512. This did not allow the book to open. > I have done a number of things including copying the bin\jre folder from an installation where the book opens. That did not make a difference.

Indeed. This does not change anything.

The folder size of the books that open are under 4MB

A DocBook document which size is 4Mb is already a VERY large one.

FYI, "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini, a ~500 pages book for which we have the DocBook source is just 2.2Mb large (and it opens in XXE v10 in about 2 seconds with the stock image and spelling options --see below-- and the stock memory settings).

where the large one  is 40MB. Not sure if this is significant.

It sure is.

Any suggestions on what to check next?

1) If your DocBook document starts with a <!DOCTYPE> (e.g. <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd";>) make sure that it's one of the DTD found locally in XMLmind XML Editor distribution:

    V4.1.2/  V4.2/  V4.3/  V4.4/  V4.5/

2) In case your documents contain a lot of images, select menu item "View|Display Images|as Thumbnails". See http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/viewMenu.html

3) In case your document have a large number of spelling errors (e.g. no lang or xml:lang attribute set on the root element and the document is written in a language other than English.), check option "When a document is created or opened: Never activate the automatic spell checker" (menu item "Options|Preferences", "Tools|Spelling" section, http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/toolsOptions.html#spellOptions)

4) Finally, try -Xmx2048m, -Xmx3072m, -Xmx4096m, etc.

No sure that this will work and XMLmind XML Editor v10 would probably have exactly the same difficulties at dealing with 4-40Mb documents.

Sorry but XMLmind XML Editor is not good at editing large, monolithic, document. We aim to make it good (and fluid/nice to use) at editing large, *modular*, documents.

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