Melanie A. wrote:
Attached are the desired files as an example. The ditafile MICRODATA is the 
file with referenced content from de two ditafiles d0e99 and d0e102.
In the ditamap only the MICRODATA-ditafile is included as topicref with 
navtitle Test 1 (screenshot_01).
If we now convert the ditamap the navtitle "Test 1" is not taken. The title of the 
ditafile "MICRODATA" will be used (screenshot_02).
Our expectation in this case would be that the navtitle "Test 1" is used when 

Thank for you very much for taking the time to send us a simple, sample document letting us reproduce the issue.

You have indeed uncovered a bug. Locktitle=yes navtitle "Test 1" should be taken into account and, clearly, it is not.

We have fixed this bug now among other bugs and limitations related to navtitle.

However please do not expect "Test 1" to replace "MICRODATA" as the title of generated MICRODATA.html. "Test 1" will replace "MICRODATA", but only in the generated Table of Contents (if any) and in the generated navigation links.

This may be counter intuitive or simply not very useful, but it's clearly the DITA spec. As I wrote it in my previous email, we thoroughly checked the locktitle=yes navtitle "feature" in the DITA spec and also in DITA support forums.

Attached file [OMITTED HERE] shows you a correct single HTML page output.

PS: This is not very important to understand but FYI, this rather obscure bug is triggered by the fact that MICRODATA.dita contains nested topics (and not by the fact that these nested topics are conref-ed from d0e102.dita and d0e99.dita)

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