Le 2025-02-07 17:42, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

the problem is that catcodes are examined and interpreted upon input
but TECkit mapping occurs during output, thus special characters will
never go that far. If possible, you can change the catcodes only
locally within a block where you need them. I admit that it can be too
cumbersome thus another possibility is to do:


Thank you for this.

And if you use Linux, you can use my keyboard and write directly in
Devanagari, I made it to be as much similar to the Velthuis system as

Thank you, but I still remain to the use of Velthuis transliteration :
1- I have 30 year old files, when devanagari was available through the devnag preprocessor 2- It is easy to type with this system using a simple 7-bits ascii keyboard and it is easy to share a file with other people. 3- From one file with this code, I can output a pdf in devanagari, in roman transliteration and grantha by the way of map/tec mechanism.

BTW I have two map files "velthuis-romanized.map" and "velthuis-grantha.map" which could be of some interest for people and which are not available through TeX distributions.

Thank you again.


<francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> napsal:


I am facing a problem with virama while using the velthuis
tranliteration scheme : according the velthuis-sanskrit.map file, virama
is mapped to "&" and "_".

I use FreeSerif fonts and some ligatures can be acceeded using a virama

r+r-vocalic (r.r) gives: रृ or
r+virama+r-vocalic (r&.r) gives: र्ऋ

To get the second ligature (र्ऋ), which I prefer, I have to change the
catcode of "&" or"_":

\catcode`\&=11\relax or \catcode`\_=11\relax

Both cases have one major disadvantage: for "&", I can't use tabular
environments, for "_"; I can't use mathematical mode...

Is there a way around this problem? Is there a feature in fontspec
allowing the use of alternative ligatures?

Or do I have to map the virama to an other character (which one?) in
velthuis-sanskrit.map file?

Thank you.


François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)6 7892 5822

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