Hello Jens,

yes, it does. I have switched from arabxetex to polyglossia, needed to fix a 
few font specifications, and now the results look correct (says out Egyptian 
The automatic RTL-LTR switching depending on the Unicode script information 
works perfectly, with the special case that we will
use non-breakable spaces u00a0 in some places to keep the sequence of 
non-arabic text fragments as needed.

Thank you for your help!


Von: XeTeX <xetex-bounces+hartmut.niemann=siemens....@tug.org> Im Auftrag von 
Jens Bakker
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024 16:47
An: XeTeX (Unicode-based TeX) discussion. <xetex@tug.org>
Betreff: Re: [XeTeX] Typesetting arabic and european mix encoded in utf8

Hello Hartmut Niemann,

may be that the XeLaTex-package polyglossia could serve your purposes better 
much better. You could use many languages in one document, also Arabic and 
other RTL text.

Best wishes and best regards,
Jens Bakker

Am 11.06.2024 um 12:06 schrieb Niemann, Hartmut via XeTeX 


In my current project I use XeLaTeX to typeset PDF files from texts in 
different languages held in a separate database.
(This is done with a generator that is language-unaware, generating lines like
\long\def\msgtext{عطل في التهيئة البنيوماتية GS}
Into a .inc file and a manually written, language dependent, frame document 
that defines \msgtext{}

I typeset a (mostly) Arabic document using XeLaTeX and 

Arabxetex supports encoding Arabic in ASCII, and this interferes with the fact, 
that our texts have latin characters, like English abbreviations, location IDs 
and such.
The documented solution would be enclosing these latin characters which are to 
be typeset verbally into \text{LR}, which is rather hard if the text comes from 
a database.

Does anybody how to switch off arabxetex’s ASCII-to-arabic conversion 

Or is there a package that supports Arabic (with Arabic typographic 
conventions) but made for pure Unicode sources?

With best regards

Hartmut Niemann

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