Thanks--it turns out that xelatex still segfaults if I attempt to combine ucharclasses and \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 in a longer document. I do think this is a bona fide xetex bug but don't have the knowledge of the xetex source to trace it further.
As for lualatex it seemed to have more trouble than xelatex with the complex ligatures in Burmese. The lineation issues are a lower priority for my colleague than simply being able to typeset his mixed-script text, so I'll help him to a workaround with xetex, if no other suggestions for fixes are forthcoming. All best, Andrew Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 5:37 AM Ulrike Fischer <> wrote: > Am Wed, 6 Sep 2023 10:40:16 -0400 schrieb Andrew Goldstone: > > > I believe this is the same issue as was raised on StackExchange in 2019 > > > > > > > but I couldn't find any further discussion of a fix for the crash. > > I don't think that there is a fix and the xetex development is > rather stale. Personally I would try with lualatex. > > > -- > Ulrike Fischer > > >