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I have used it in past with Devanagari, Tamil, Gujarati scripts and English. On Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 11:23 AM Andrew Goldstone <> wrote: > Hello: I am attempting to assist a colleague, who is new to TeX, in > typesetting a text which includes many passages in which Burmese and Latin > scripts are closely intermixed. I wanted to make it possible for my > colleague to enter his text fairly naturally, as he is used to doing in > Word, by simply mixing the scripts, rather having to type a macro to switch > languages/fonts at nearly every word. On tex.stackexchange I found a > suggestion to use XeTeX's interchar mechanism for this purpose and adapted > the code example to my own purposes. > > Though this works fine on its own, it leads to problems, and sometimes > crashes, in conjunction with two other desirable XeTeX features, namely its > linebreak-locale and interword space-shaping mechanisms. The example below > my signature demonstrates the following three-way interaction: > > (A) XeTeXlinebreaklocale="my" > (B) XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 > (C) XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1 (and accompanying char. class definitions) > > A some ligatures render incorrectly, e.g. lla လ္ +လ > B ok, but must use explicit \selectlanguage{burmese} > C ok, but Burmese lines only broken on spaces (unidiomatic) > A+B ok, but must use explicit \selectlanguage{burmese} > A+C ligature renders incorrectly > B+C segfault if more than one switch to Burmese > A+B+C segfault if more than one switch to Burmese > > My system is macOS 13.5 on Apple M1 Pro, XeTeX 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 > (TeX Live 2023). > > I can certainly help my colleague work around the crashing bug by > postprocessing his source with a script to insert \selectlanguage{} next to > the appropriate Unicode range, but the crash is frustrating. I believe this > is the same issue as was raised on StackExchange in 2019 > > > > > but I couldn't find any further discussion of a fix for the crash. > > Many thanks for any help: perhaps I've come at this all wrong. My own > XeTeX experience has almost all been in the Latin alphabet. Best, > Andrew Goldstone > > PS my example script--forgive the verbosity. The two Burmese words are > just taken at random from my colleague's sample text, with the first > repeated to fill out a line. > > \documentclass[draft,12pt]{article} > \usepackage[english]{babel} > \babelprovide[import]{burmese} > \babelfont[burmese]{rm}{Noto Serif Myanmar Regular} > > \XeTeXlinebreaklocale "my" % (A) > \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 % (B) > > % (C)... > > \newXeTeXintercharclass\burmesesub > \newcount\myCount > \myCount="1000 > \loop\ifnum\myCount<"109F > \XeTeXcharclass\myCount=\burmesesub > \advance\myCount by 1 > \repeat > > \XeTeXinterchartoks 0 \burmesesub = {\begingroup\selectlanguage{burmese}} > \XeTeXinterchartoks 4095 \burmesesub = > {\begingroup\selectlanguage{burmese}} > \XeTeXinterchartoks \burmesesub 0 = {\endgroup} > \XeTeXinterchartoks \burmesesub 4095 = {\endgroup} > > \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1 > > % ...(C) > > \begin{document} > > > ထက်လုလ္လ > thak·lulla > ထက်လုလ္လ > thak·lulla > ထက်လုလ္လ > thak·lulla > ထက်လုလ္လ > thak·lulla > > သည် ၊ saññ·| > > \end{document} > > > > >