I am trying to create an animation and each frame is an image created with 
TikZ. Thecode looks like this:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=Common]{Minion Pro}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{UM Typewriter}
    \path[save path=\cloud](-1,2)--(13,2);
    \path[save path=\hill](3,2)--(4,2)..controls(7,5)..(11,2)--(15,2);
    \begin{scope}[blend group=darken]
        \begin{scope}[dash pattern=on2off4,line width=12,darkgray]
            \draw[use path=\cloud];
            \draw[use path=\hill];
        \begin{scope}[blend group=normal]
            \draw[use path=\cloud][line width=8];
            \draw[use path=\cloud][line width=6,white];
        \begin{scope}[blend group=normal]
            \draw[use path=\hill][line width=8];
            \draw[use path=\hill][line width=6,white];
    \node[inner sep=0pt] (light) at (3.5,4)
    \node[inner sep=0pt] (light) at (1,2.1)
    \draw (5.5, 5) rectangle (8.5, 6) node[pos=.5] 

The page size of the resulting file has paper size equal to 166 x 47 mm. 
However, when I change 
the command that places the PDF image TRAIN-crop.pdf so to place the image in  
a different 
position but within the bounds of the first image, the resulting PDF image has 
paper size equal 
to 166 x 46 mm! The two files differ as follows:
<     \node[inner sep=0pt] (light) at (1,2.1)
<     {\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{TRAIN-crop.pdf}};
>     \node[inner sep=0pt] (light) at (5.2,3.5)
>     {\includegraphics[scale=0.1,angle=45]{TRAIN-crop.pdf}};

The question is why do I get different paper sizes? It might be something 
obviousbut I cannot see it...

----------------------Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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