Hi all, first I should mention that I do not know Armenian at all and can just recognize a few characters. Anyway I came across a problem which probably cannot be solved by the standard \lccode / \uccode method. What I mean is Yerevan which is written as Երևան but YEREVAN (all caps) is ԵՐԵՎԱՆ because և has no uppercase variant and must be replaced by two characters ԵՎ. At least, it is visible in Elena Yerevan's songs shot in the city of Yerevan. The following file
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{armenian} \setmainfont{DejaVu Sans} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} Երևան $\rightarrow$ \uppercase{Երևան} \end{document} shows that all characters are converted correctly to uppercase but և remains in lovercase. Is there a solution? Zdeněk Wagner http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml