On 29.01.21 10:49, Jan Beulich wrote:

Hi Jan

On 29.01.2021 09:13, Wei Chen wrote:
I just tested the v6 and the latest backend service with the latest staging 
They work well.

Tested-by: Wei Chen <wei.c...@arm.com>
An faod this was again Arm-only testing?
Yes, unfortunately I don't have a possibility to test on x86, if I had I would definitely perform testing. I performed code analysis (the diff between V5 and V6 is small enough and these changes unlikely will add regression, so I was thinking that if basic x86 test passed on V5 (thanks to Julien) than it would likely pass on V6 as well), but please don't get me wrong, I *completely* agree that even an obvious single patch must be tested.


Oleksandr Tyshchenko

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